Four days and three nights were spent hiking in the Pokhara mountain range. What started out as a trek between Clara and I joining a yoga group, turned into creating our own team of 9 of our friends plus our yoga teacher Rachel and guide Bishnu. After hiking for some two or three hours the first day, we were already away from Pokhara and drinking our masala tea watching the himalayas come and go with the clouds. About three minutes after arriving at out mountain lodge (which still sold snickers), it started pouring down. I thanked the heavens, for I did not bring a rain jacket, and with no heater or hot showers, I would have been screwed. Lisen gave a fire performance that night for the whole group, which can still be enjoyed below.
The rest of the trip consisted of four people instead of nine, more long distance hiking, views of the annapurna circut and holy fishtail mountain, and lots of ginger lemon honey tea. On our final day, we trekked up to the peace pagoda, a holy buddhist temple, beautiful and quiet. We were exhausted, now only three left in the group, but had to climb back down the 1100 meters above sea level we were at and cross over the pokhara lake somehow. Still carrying all of our gears on our backs, the three of us and Bishnu hiked down to the edge of the mountain and settled on rowing across the lake. It was a grand ending to our four days, and we arrived back at the dock of "downtown" pokhara.
Unfortunatley, the several pictures taking on this hike on my phone have been lost when my phone was left in Shanghai. Therefore, some of these photos are not mine, but borrowed from my friends on the hike.
A video of Lisen's beautiful performance she gave to the group, our guides, and the family of the lodge we were staying at.

Our lodge can be seen far in the background as the a small blue spot, the highest up of the houses. We met school children walking to school on this very same road.

sharing breakfast at the first lodge

The second lodge. Very happy for this little roof, as it rained alot here.

A quick pose on our hike, the four remaining girls on the second day

Himalalaya region, a rare moment unclouded

Katarina taking a picture of me, and Bishnu holding my yoga mat in the background.